Exercices de Travaux Dirigés du chapitre 3

Exercices de Travaux Dirigés du chapitre 3

par Youssouf AGNE (Tuteur Anglais),
Nombre de réponses : 0

  • Exercice 3.1:
    Text completion: complete the conversation below meaningfully
    Use these expressions : Would you like me /   Can I / This is   /  may I help you?  
    - Good morning EMG company, Mbaye Gueye’s office.
    - …………….. Serigne Mboup.
    - How ……………………?
    - Oh I’m sorry Mr. Gueye is in a meeting right now.
    - ……………………………. to transfer you to his voice mail or may I take a message? 
    - Certainly!
    -  ……………. get your name?
    - Would you spell that for me, please?
  • Exercice 3.2: Use these expressions :  Who’s calling / Can I take a message / How may I help you
    You: ……………………………………………………………………………… ?
    Person calling: I would like to talk to your manager, please !
    You: …………………………………………………………………………………?
    Person calling: Youssou Ndour, CEO of GFM.
    You: ………………………………………………………………………………….?
    Person calling: Yes, you can. Please tell him that I’ll call back tomorrow at 10 amYou are working in a company and one person is calling to talk to the manager. Imagine and write out the phone conversation.
  • Exercice 3.3: Complete with correct expression for the following situations:
    1. Situation: Agreeing or not agreeing to call back 
    Expression: _______________________________
    2. Situation: Ending a call
    Expression: _______________________________
    3. Situation: You asking somebody to spell a name
    Expression: _______________________________

  • Exercice 3.4 :
    1. Give 2 expressions for calling on the phone:
    1.a :-------------------------------
    1.b :-------------------------------
  • 2. Give 2 expressions for answering the phone:
    2.a :-------------------------------
    2.b :-------------------------------