
Anglais Master 1 SID: Sujets

Master 1


Chapter 1 : Making presentations, talking about a project
Chapter 2 : welcoming guests and presenting a place (house, company, office)
Chapter 3 : Writing an internship application letter
Chapter 4 : writing an abstract
CHAPTER 5 : Reading: Understanding Real-World Use of Big Data and Analytics

This course aims at providing students with the necessary skills to express
themselves in English, through conversations, opinions and business letters,
ESP courses will allow students to understand and use the appropriate lexical items
and expressions related to their fields of study

CHAPTER 6 : listening: Interview with a data analyst

The English course aims at preparing students to professional life through
aquisition of knowledge and skills that allow them to communicate.
• For that purpose, the course is based on providing students with skills which
allow them to use general English and ESP (English for Specific Purposes)