Video Conversation: Text completion:

Video Conversation: Text completion:

by Youssouf AGNE (Tuteur Anglais) -
Number of replies: 0
Watch the following video and complete the text below:
• Good morning, Christine Phelps office. 
• …………….. Grace Johnson. 
• How ……………………? 
• Oh I’m sorry Miss Phelps is in a meeting right now.
 • ……………………………. to transfer you to her voice mail or may I take a message? 
• Certainly! 
• ……………. get your name? 
• Would you spell that for me, please? 
• And your company name? 
• And a phone number where you can be reached. 
• ……………………… may I pass on? 
• Okay let me make sure I have this correctly. 
• It’s Gary Bartoli of Bertolli and Sons and that is spelled B E R T O L L I. 
• And you would like to reschedule your meeting on Tuesday the 21st and your phone number is 413 555 99 62. 
• Thanks Mr. Bertoli I’ll make sure that Miss Phelps gets this message as soon as she comes out of her meeting. 
• ……………………………... Bye.