Agreeing and disagreeing. Giving opinion in a conversation

Agreeing and disagreeing. Giving opinion in a conversation

par Youssouf AGNE (Tuteur Anglais),
Nombre de réponses : 3

Hello everybody.Sorry for the delay. I had some troubles with my conexion.

En réponse à Youssouf AGNE (Tuteur Anglais)

Re: Agreeing and disagreeing. Giving opinion in a conversation

par Utilisateur supprimé,

Let's write the conversation beetween Binta and her mother Coumba

Binta: Mum, today is saturday
Coumba: I know
Binta: You also know that it is Fatima's birthday, my only and best friend? Yesterday, i was ask permission to dad and he give me it
Coumba : That's not possible Binta. You have exam and it's not an obligation to go there
Binta: But Mum she is my friend. She is always here for me. I can't miss her birthday. Please, accept. It's so important for me. Please mum
Coumba: I say no Binta. Don't insist
Binta: Okay! But do you mind if i take your cellphone? I want to call her
Coumba: For sure
En réponse à Utilisateur supprimé

Re: Agreeing and disagreeing. Giving opinion in a conversation

par Utilisateur supprimé,

Moussa: Excuse me Miss!
Fatou: What can i do for you?
Moussa: I'm a newcomer in Bambey. Can you tell me the best direction to go to Campus 2?
Fatou: I'm really sorry. I'm also a newcomer. I can't help you
Moussa: No problem! Thanks a lot!